New hourly minimum wage rate in France

Increasement of French minimum wage rate for 2019

According to Decree n° 2018-1173 published on December 19th 2018, the new hourly minimum wage rate for 2019 in France will be 10.03€ (increasement of 1.5%).


This means that it will be necessary for all drivers who had a lower hourly rate for 2018 to update it as indicated. For those whose 2018 rate was already higher than the one indicated for 2019, for the moment it is not necessary to update it.


Around the month of March, an amendment of collective agreement of the transport sector will be approved indicating the right hourly rate to apply for 2019 considering the different coefficients and the different years of seniority.


We're at your side helping you to follow the complicated European minimum wages laws.


If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to contact us.