Macron Law: The French Government clarifies the ‘40 euros fees’

The French Government published an official explanation about the "40 euro fee" question

Last year, the IRU and other organizations and medias communicated that a project has being discussed to invoice an amount of 40€ per posted driver declared through SIPSI starting from January 2018.


Hereby the publication made by the French Authorities to clarify this rumor:


"Question about the ‘40 euros fees’

We receive several questions about the practical application of that measure. The payment is not applicable so far and will not enter into force in the near future, for legal and technical reasons.....We will communicate as soon as possible on further decision about the measure. "


We will keep you informed about any change in regulations, as we have been doing regularly for our Minimum wages representation service.


If you need any further information, don't hesitate to contact us.